We are the Migratory Birds of the Northeast (PAM) project, we operate in monitoring, environmental education, public policies and in various conservation actions of coastal migratory birds and residents along the Western Atlantic route, with special emphasis on five most threatened coastal bird species extinction of Brazil.
The story begins between 2008 and 2010, when US Fish & Wildlife financed the Aquasis Bird Conservation Program with the discovery of a rare wintering area at Banco dos Cajuais (CE) with the presence of the sandpiper red snapper (Calidris canutus). And what makes this species special to be cited? This is the most endangered coastal migratory bird in Brazil, classified as Critically Endangered on the official Brazilian list.
There are only three wintering areas of significant importance in Brazil, all in coastal areas with wide occupation and use by people. And that shows how important conservation works are, we still have a lot to do for biodiversity.
The Migratory Birds Project of the Northeast is an initiative of @ongaquasis, sponsored by Petrobras through the Petrobras Socio-Environmental Program